Friday, July 31, 2009

Extremely hard case help?

I am a high school student and am doing a mock trial for law 12. For the mock trial I am the defence lawyer. So, I need questions for direct examination for the following defece witness Dr. J. Tyrone. I will post Dr. J. Tyrone's part below. Please help me come up with questions. Thanks.

You are a neurophysiologist, a professor in the faculty of medicine at U.B.C., and a specialist in sleep disorders. You were a founding member of the Canadian Sleep society; you established the sleep disorders centre at the University Hospital in Vancouver; and you have written many learned articles on sleep disorders. You were asked by his lawyers to assess Michael Hudson. You have interviewed him extensively and have performed or supervised many clinical tests. You were initially very skeptical when it was suggested that Michael Hudson might have been sleepwalking when he attacked Margaret and Jack Willis. But you have concluded that he indeed was.

The case continues below with details.

Extremely hard case help?
Give me back my last 2 minutes..,.
Reply:First you would ask the questions that establish your witness' credentials in general. Then you focus in on the credentials specifically as it applies to this disorder. Next you focus in on the tests that were done, get him to explain how these tests are performed, a brief history of the tests, and how they were performed in this particular case. Then have him explain why these tests are relevant to this case. Discuss why he was skeptical at first and what happened to change his opinion. Then get hinm to explain what his opinion is now and why he has that opinion. Ask him questions that will allow him to specifically identify why your client meets the criteria he relies on and then what effect these different disorders have on your client.

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