Sunday, August 2, 2009

Teenage Job question?

ok im 16 n i live in ga . I had a interview with kroger. the man asked me what were my grades like in school and i told him the truth which was Mostly C's and some D's. i knew he had already made up his mind he wasnt going to hire me but didnt say right away.and started talking about how thats not good .and how i need to improve.which was true i agree.but then i say im going to improve. and he says if your doing this now then i will be doing the samething for the rest of the three years i have.and i looked at him like what the %26amp;ell does that mean.

-anyway i just wanted to know do you have to have a certain grade point average to have a job when your in highschool .and can the company or hiring manger. call the school you go to and find out what your grades are????????????????????????????

p.s. srry if it was to much to read

Teenage Job question?
First of all, yes grades are important, but there are a lot more things important for a position. Sometimes they will ask about your attendance and if you were late a lot. But I dont think he should have given you a lecture. PLUS, you were honest in telling him C's and D's, and you are right I think he had his mind made up already. I dont believe you have to have a certain grade point average, and with all the "privacy" laws out there now, I don't think they could call the school. BUT, I commend you on your honesty...Don't be tempted to lie to make yourself look better, they can see through you every time...I know, I used to do the hiring at a job I had a couple of years ago. I could always tell when someone was not telling the truth...

I hate hearing stories like this where employers try to make you feel like your doing something wrong, when you are doing your best. A word of advice, next job interview...dress in neat clothes, be confident (very important), and if someone brings up grades again maybe say, "I do my best, I am on time for school every day and I hardly miss". I think he (or she) will be impressed. They are looking for someone to show up for work, on time, look neat and have a positive attitude. Good luck!
Reply:Am not sure what he meant 'if you are doing this now then you will be doing the same thing for.....'

Most jobs for HIgh School students don't require that you produce your GPA. They cannot call your school or anyplace else unless you signed an authorization for them to do so.

You can give the name of your school but on most applications there is a place where they ask if they can contact them and you can opt to say no.

But if the job requires skills such as accurate typing, data entry, math or research, then they could require that you have good grades.

I agree with him that you need to get your grades up. You know that as well. Wherever you look for a job in the future, good grades, GPA, or high rankings will get you the best job offers and not many rejections.
Reply:There may be a law in GA, I don't know, but certainly your grades will reflect certain things employers look for such as your dedication and work habits. So low grades indicate to them that you're not a hard worker and you probably aren't the right candidate for a job.

This man probably doesn't know you very well, so he can't really trust you that much when you say that you'll improve. He has nothing to tell him that you will, that you're not just saying it to get the job.

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