One or two of you might have noticed that i've been a bit quieter this past few days.
It's been the week from hell so far.
Sunday - my little girl broke a bone in her foot falling off her bike.
Monday - my oldest friend called to say she was having tests for possible leukemia.
Tuesday - I sat on an interview panel at work and found myself interviewing a woman who once caused me terrible hurt. The problem is that she is the best candidate for the position and the other panelists voted for her to be appointed.
Today - got in from work to find my garden furniture had been stolen (yes, really! My garden furniture for c*****s sake)!!! Of-course the police were SOOO concerned.
So I sat here half an hour ago to see what questions I wanted to answer and ended up dropping tears onto the keyboard.
A nice hello or too would be really welcome, you guys always make me smile: ((
Can anyone cheer me up?
hey there!
sure does sound like a week from hell.
here's a bit of the bright side.
you have a little girl. how wonderful! they heal fast when they're young.
you have a great friend. lucky you! hope the tests are ok
you've got a job. lots of folks are looking for good jobs. that hurtful candidate will get hers in the long run.
the furniture? that sucks. you must have good taste cause they wanted it.
keep your chin up and count your blessings!
the best to ya!
Reply:If i tickled your toes %26amp; blew raspberries on your bellybutton would that cheer you up?
Reply:well if it helps any,
there are always something worse happening
to someone else.
think of it, there are kids in africa starving.
wife's finding out that there [loving] husband was having
an affair with their boss.
or have you ever watched the show SCARRED on mtv.
tons or blood and junk that has happened to them
when your daughter is fortunate enough to ONLY have a
broken bone.
so try to have a good day :]
i wish you the best
Reply:WOW!! So sorry you have had such a tough week. Always seems like when it rains it pours. My mom has Leukemia and has been in remission for 3 years. Found out today that her counts are down but hoping it is because of medication she is taking. It is tough to go through having someone you love be that sick. I will pray that the tests will come back in a positive manner and she does not have it. Amazing what jerks will steal from your backyard. Had my gas grill propane tank stolen couple of weeks go and well it was worth more then the grill. Keep your chin up. Crap happens and it can only get better for you. ((((((((Catherine))))))) Big hug for you.
Reply:you may not feel like it happens but ther is always someone worse off than you. It has been one of those days and things can only get better.
Reply:Ifyou could see my smile you would smile 2
But here's a hug GOOD DAY
Reply: . I really sorry to here that.
Reply:Chin up,babe.I'm channelling a hearty hug in your general direction even as i type.
this horse walks into a bar and the barman says "why the long face ?"
ho ho ho
Reply:bless ya what a s**t week you have had! The only thing that's gonna cheer u up is a get together with your mates get everything off your chest and a few drinks maybe.
Reply:your a nice lady dont let those kind of things get you down .sorry to hear about your little girl but her foot will get better as will everthing else just put it all behind you and think of all the good things that are to come hope this helps. I hope your friend gets good news I will think of her in my prayers dont ever give up hope
Reply:Awwwwwww hun bless ya xxxx
have a star to cheer you up, its the best I can do I'm afraid xx
chin up chick
Reply:hello cathy dont let the bastards get to you, just think on that next week should be better get yourself out wi friends it always works for me
Reply:Here's some hugs (((((()))))))
Here's a smile :-)
Hope you have a better tomorrow.....
Reply:hi there please don't worry about things
its gonna rain for the rest of the week so it was a waste getting the garden stuff cause they ain't gonna use it
any way i find things have ways of fixing themselves out
Reply:wow, and I thought my life was bad
Don't worry, it might be a good day tomorrow
Reply:Hi Catherine. I am so sorry that things seem to be bringing rain clouds your way. I'm glad you little girl just broke her foot...after all, it could have been her head. Your friend may not have leukemia and even if she did she will get treatment and be alright (positive thinking). The woman who got hired may be a different person now and if not, just think that karma does exist and one day she will get hers. And that garden furniture probably looked like cr*p and now you have a great reason to get some new ones. I probably failed miserably at making you smile but I tried and my heart is in the right place...I think. I say dry those tears up and put up your chin. The sun will come out tomorrow bet your bottom that tomorrow there'll be sun!
Reply:ah hi have a star
Reply:i know this sounds cheesy but where there's a storm follows a calm, we all have bad days, last week my good friend was found dead in his room, he did it to himself, it was a terrible blow, now we have to face a funeral this Friday and i am dreading it, if only he had have come to us to talk, but he didn't, he opted for a way out......things happen for a reason and right now i am feeling pretty low....but i have to stay strong for my families sake, i hope that your friends test results are good not think the worst until you find out for sure if she has leukaemia, stay strong for her.... cheer up hun...things are not as bad as they seem at the end of the day, i am holding it together and i am sure tomorrow will be different for sorry about your little girls foot and as for the furniture, let the thieving little runts have it.....people like that will have bad luck all their lives and will go nowhere in life...count yourself lucky that you have your family to fall back on....also this person who you interviewed, don't hang onto the past, it will make you ill, what goes round comes round...Karma will bite her bum, mark my words....if she's good for the job then so be don't have to talk to her do you? i really cannot think of what to say that will cheer you up but i will say that things will get better....tomorrow is another day....take care....x
Reply:Hello..................Sorry you feel bad but in Gods great scheme of things it doesnt seem that bad at all. Its just kind of life.
Sun - Your daughters foot will heal
Mon - It might not be Leukemia its just tests, and if it is maybe its caught in time (why worry before it happens)
Tues - The woman might not accept the job and even if she does she may have changed and you should have moved on anyway.
Today - Garden furniture..........replace it or live happily without it. (its raining anyway)
I dont want to say this for you to think i feel sorry for myself, thats not the case at all, im just using myself as an example.
Im disabled and and have recently been completely deafened (i cant hear at all now) im also in remission with Cancer, all thats never ever going to go away, ive got a young family and im never ever going to hear my childrens laughter again. I cant heal or pop to B%26amp;Q for a new body.
I had a wonderful fullfilling important job i cant no longer do, i now work from home doing a boring one.
BUT......Im sooo happy, coz i see every day as a real blessing and i dont let life get me down.
Im fully aware there are people out there far worse off than me...............but you are not one of them.
Stop thinking so negatively!
Your daughter could have broke her neck!
Your friend could have died on the way for the tests!
The woman at work could have been your replacement!
And you could have been at the house and attacked by the thieves that nicked your garden furniture!
When you look at it that way you are a VERY lucky person!!
Keep your chin up and smile, not because of Yahoo answers but because you want to be a happy person for yourself and you wont let anything spoil that.
Reply:GOTTA THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS! Bunnies, yummy cookies, smiley faces, cows, cookies, cedar point(hellz yeah!!!), games, cookies, bright cooolors, baby birdies, cookies, high school musical(scratch that, that movies scary), NOT barney, cookies, me(omg, I am sooo funny), cookies, just don't let it hurt. Bake some cookies, or just talk to someone about cookies, or buy cookies and eat em! Trust me, it works!
Reply:keep ya chins up hun x u woke up today so must be a bounusx
Reply:your daughters foot ok? hope it is . work is just work thats it. not is important as your girls foot. hey you are insured right? claim on your insurance for the garden stuff. dont take life too seriously
especially when it comes to work. good luck and i hope the little girls foots ok.
Reply:I'm sorry you've had such a rough week...hopefully something on this list will bring a smile to your face...if not...well here's a little virtual hug just in case (((HUG))), next week will be better.
20 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity
1. At Lunch Time, Sit in Your Parked Car with Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer at Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with that.
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In."
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once everyone has gotten over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds."
7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With the Prophecy."
8. Don't use any punctuation
9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.
10. Order diet water with a serious face whenever you go out to eat.
11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."
12. Sing Along At The Opera.
13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme
14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play Tropical Sounds All Day.
15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You're not in the Mood.
16. Have Your Co-workers Address You by Your Wrestling Name, "Rock Bottom."
17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won! I Won!"
18. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, yelling "Run for Your Lives, They're Loose!!"
19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go."
20. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity...
E-mail To Someone To Make Them Smile... It's Called Therapy.
Reply:hi sorry to hear you had a week from hell,hope you feel better soon,cheer up x
Reply:Hey think positive sorry for all the trouble that you have had. heres something funny My 19 month old daughter said duck this morning but it sounded like f*%#
Reply:There is always a mix of things in this world, good and bad, tall and short, pretty and ugly. I guess you have to take things as they come. You wouldn't call something 'good' unless you had something 'bad' to compare it with would you?
Sunday - be thankful, it was just a little bone that your daughter broke. She was lucky.
Monday - Your oldest friend is lucky to have you. She was able to get it out of her chest by telling you. Just eb there for her, you'll be a great support.
Tuesday - At least you now have authority over her. You actually interviewed her!
Today- they took you chairs. Some ppl end up breaking in. That did not happen. That itself is a relief.
Cheer up girl. it'll rain good things soon.
Reply:my teacher died yesterday. I had a cute baby rabbit once.
Reply:well next week sbound to be better
someone is really testing you up there
ask for a hug from your kids
and get a cat they are always so loving
Reply:Right well firstly
big hugs to you hun!! things can only get better you just have to ride the wave keep going and stay as possitive as you can. Things always happen for a reason.
It sounds like you have been through a rought time but you have to stay strong for your daughter and other family members. garden furniture although frustrating can always be replaced, but your health and wellbeing may suffer if you do not pick yourself up and do something to make you feel better.
Im thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon.
Reply:hi how are you? we are with you at heart you are not alone we wil be there for you just keep calling on us. cry and let it all out and come back home and help us u no we need you here. smile for me pls pls thr you go one more smile now laugh. keep your head up.
Reply:HI!!!! Smile! it will get better! god will never give you more then you can handle!
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